The Iceman Sayeth

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

iPod Update

I'm so in love with my little iPod Shuffle (thanks for the Christmas present!) I've been able to discover a lot of music I didn't really know before. I never listen to radio here (except for classical music and NPR) so I had complete fallen off the edge of the world, musically speaking. My latest iPod additions: Mika's "Grace Kelly" (thanks to my brother for that suggestion), Röyksopp's "Remind Me" (which I saw in a commercial and couldn't get out of my head), and now, because he picked up Oscar no. 2 in as many years, Gustavo Santaolalla's "The Wings," a.k.a. the theme from Brokeback Mountain. The 6-minute dance mix of that one isn't bad either :-)


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