The Iceman Sayeth

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Halfway There!

Well, hotel week #1 is halfway done at this point. Today is the easy day, when we give free time ater 2:30 pm. As is often the case with these weeks, I'm easily bored, so I make sure to bring a good number of Netflix movies to watch. So far this week, I've watched The African Queen and 12 Angry Men, and attempted to watch Saw III but the disc was busted. I even braved my very first DC Metrobus ride in order to go the movies this afternoon. I saw 300, which is visually stunning but not much else. Even those who can appreciate a beautifully sculpted male body can get a bit tired of an endless parade of unnaturally large and developed abs. Ugh. I'm glad I wasn't munching on popcorn during the movie; all those hardbodies would have sent me on a major guilt trip!

Miraculously enough, I was also able to squeeze in a little actual culture this week! Sean, Peter and I saw Richard III at the Shakespeare Theater last night. It was fantastic! The actor Geraint Wyn Davies, who played Richard of Gloucester, was mesmerizing. The part, as written, is a Godsend for any stage actor, but this man was unbelievably good. We took Peter out to dinner at Jaleo beforehand, since it was his birthday. Now that I've gone to the theater once, I feel a need to go again. I'll have to check what's playing...

I'm waiting for Sean as I write this - he's driving up to the hotel and we're going to get some little dinner and relax in the hotel room (which includes a personal jacuzzi - hello!!!).

Funny but true: The hotel is across the street from the Russian Embassy. Whatever signals - jamming, spying, whatever - they are sending out are so strong that I am unable to talk on my cell phone here without losing reception. Wasn't the Cold War over??!

OK, into the shower now. Hasta luego!


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