The Iceman Sayeth

Friday, March 09, 2007

Wrath of Blogger

Well, I had a post written on Wednesday, but Blogger has been acting up and hasn't let me post anything until now. So my earlier post about how it was snowing and how it was weird to see the white stuff this late here in DC... well, that's just kind of dated now, huh?

Anyways, it was a busy week. I even made it to the movies... twice! Sean and I started the week by seeing Breach, about FBI agent/evil spy Robert Hanssen. It's a perfectly decent thriller (even though it has Ryan Phillipe) made even more fun by seeing how the filmmakers manage to get Washington facts wrong (the movie was shot almost exclusively here in town). Route 50 becomes Wilson Boulevard, Federal Triangle metro station becomes Archives metro station, etc. Us DC folks get a good laugh out of this kind of stuff.

Last night, I saw Zodiac. It's the new David Fincher movie about the 1970s killer in San Francisco. I've always thought it was a fascinating story to begin with, and getting Fincher's take on it was great. He's an excellent director with a real eye for detail. It was like being transported back 30 years. It has a cast of thousands, led by Robert Downey Jr (stretching as a substance-abusing reporter), Mark Ruffalo (as a San Fran cop who was the model for Dirty Harry), and gayboy Jake Gyllenhaal as an increasingly neurotic cartoonist who becomes obsessed with the case. It's hard to believe that Zodiac was never caught, although the movie makes a convincing case as to the identity of the killer.

Sean and I also saw Hafid (The Sea), an Icelandic movie that's only one of three available on Netflix. In true Icelandic fashion, it's incredibly depressing, but was both agreed it was not boring.

I move into a hotel on Sunday, to supervise the first of three weeks with my old people. Sigh. I'll have to convince myself to look at this like a vacation. At least it's in a new part of town, close to everything, so I'll be able to walk to Whole Foods, nice restaurants, and even go to the movies during long breaks, if I so please. So don't try me at work next week - I won't be there! I'll have Internet access, so I'll be easily reachable.

Only 10 weeks until our Icelandic trip...


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