The Iceman Sayeth

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Monday Night Dinner

I took it easy Monday night and made one of my favorites: White Pizza. That's simply a pizza without any tomato sauce. I had some store-bought dough (I'm not very good with any baking that includes yeast) and I brushed it with olive oil and minced garlic. I then baked that for about 6 minutes to intensify the flavor and bake it really well into the crust. I then topped the pizza with 3 onions that I sliced thinly and caramelized slowly for about 40 minutes. I then topped that with some mozzarella and parmesan cheese, and baked it for another 8 minutes. Delicious! Perfectly baked crust and the cheese and onion were so gooey and tasty... I'm hungry now.

Sean and I played hooky from work yesterday afternoon to partake in the opening day festivities for the Washington Nationals. Translation for Icelanders: It was the first game of the season for DC's baseball team. We met up with some friends to see the hometown boys lose badly to the Florida Marlins. I hope that's not an omen for the season to come. I enjoy going to baseball games. The atmosphere is fun and it almost feels like a vacation.

I'm reading a new book: Timothy Egan's The Worst Hard Time. It's about the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, and the people who survived it. It's really fascinating stuff to read, and a good reminder for those who suggest that mankind cannot adversely affect its environment. The Dust Bowl was the largest, most catastrophic meteorological event of the 20th century - and it was all caused by people.

I've just selected tonight's recipe for dinner. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!!


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